By John's mother, Gail

John Michael Ahern and his son, Conner
Rockport, Massachusetts
John came into this world on September 30, 1969 in . He was the youngest of three siblings, Kathryn, Charles, and Mary, and a father to three beautiful boys, Johnny, Rian, and Connor.
Growing up, John was a wonderful son--joyful, loving and compassionate. At the age of 14, he began a transition that would lead to a long, hard fought battle with addiction. Over the years, John was treated at various rehabilitation clinics across the country. He did his best to maintain his sobriety and would do so for short periods of time, but the disease of addiction was too strong for my precious, loving son.
John was determined to overcome his struggles, fighting fiercely and with all his strength. But in the end, on August 16, 2015, the disease of addiction proved too great for him to overcome. John passed away unexpectedly from a heroin overdose. He was 46 years old.
I can’t imagine his daily struggles and the hardships he faced in his short life. It was heartbreaking to see John’s self-esteem diminish over time. He had a difficulties maintaining employment and finding stable living. Before his last and final attempt at recovery, which so sadly failed, John was living in a homeless shelter.
I loved my John. I know his life was bittersweet and his struggles were so great. I believe some individuals are just too fragile for this world, and I am so grateful to God that he took John home at last. For I know in my heart he is now joyous, at peace, and in the loving arms of our Lord. John’s struggle is over; he is now an angel.